

Madeliefjes in mijn tuin

Abandoned theater

Schipwreck Zakhyntos

Abandoned Car Greece

Scheeken Oirschot


abandoned Factory

Vlinder Mortelen

Little Church

Abandoned House Belgium

Abandoned theater

Italiaans Hospital

Abandoned House

Old Church

flower from the garden

abandoned Italy
Old abandoned houses where personal belongings are often still in the building.

Old abandoned churches with stained glass and half-collapsed roofs ....

Old abandoned industrial buildings have something special.
Old machines, mines, etc.
Old machines, mines, etc.

Cemeteries, Schools and other public buildings

Urbex Transport
Old car, vans, planes we love it

Legal Urbex,
Abandoned places that may be visited with permission.

Nature Photography
A glimpse into the world of nature photography

Night Photography

Landscape Photography


Old Stairs , we all love them ....

abandoned boathouse


little owl

Abandoned helikopter

Abandoned Factory

Old Factory

Controle room

Abandoned Helikopter

ASbandoned Paintshop

Old wool laundry

Old wool laundry

Abandoned Ballroom (D)

Lost Paintshop


Old Paintshop

Lost cokes factory

Lost Woll Factory

Lost cokes factory

Lost cokes factory

Old controle room

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